Saturday, November 13, 2010

On great ideas

We often think of great ideas as a gift from the gods, a flash of brilliance that comes to us out of the dark. Far more often though, great ideas arise from conversations. Each of us has a different perspective, different knowledge and experience, and a different brain. When we come together in conversation, one idea spawns another, and then another. Sometimes the thing you arrive at together is completed so quickly and is so innovative it takes the breath away. How did we do that, you might ask? It's the magic of conversation.

Question for the Week
Are you and your staff spending too much time trying to reinvent the wheel on your own? How could you make conversation a regular and inviolate part of your staff's daily routine? How would the quality and quantity of your work change if much of it was done as a team in conversation? What could you do this week to explore changes to the way you work with your colleagues?

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